TREIXADURA has been performing an amazing music show since 1990. Traditional music observed from two very well established perspectives: singing and bagpipe.TREIXADURA is a synonym for traditional music, Galician rhythms, songs and instruments that fit well in popular rural festivities as well as in urban events in order for the public to enjoy dancing, singing and listening to the music of its 15 members, who even though come from different music backgrounds, have in common a love and respect for traditional music, a good enough reason for them to dignify and represent this project today. 20 years of recordings and concerts, five albums on the market, a wide range of music collaborations, and a life together. Two decades sharing with the audience the power and the evocative comforting and magical strength of collective singing.THEIR NEW ALBUM: "Esa si que é muiñada" (Treixadura, 2011) is a work that aims to revive music and popular songs, that are still hiding in the culture of a people that jealously guards their cultural heritage.In order to carry out this statement of intention, some of Galician senior choirs collaborate with them: "Cantigas e Agarimos" (Santiago de Compostela), "Cantigas da Terra" (A Coruña), "Real Coro Toxos y Froles" (Ferrol), the "Coral De Ruada" (Ourense) and "Agrupación Musical de O Rosal" (O Rosal, Pontevedra).Those songs that are still alive in taverns, in the evenings, in the pipers, in choirs, in bands, songs that have remained with us since the dawn of time.
TreixaduraAntón Rodríguez (+34) 986 337 069 - (+34) 678 578 013 correo@treixadura.com / anton@armusica.es