KINGS OF THE BEACH started in Vigo during the summer of 2013 and it is made up of Adrián Rodríguez (guitar, voice), Yago Guirado (bass, vocals) and Samuel Otero (drums). In the beginning of 2015, they released their first demo tape, “Badass”, making it big in the Galician scene. A year later, in February of 2016, they launch their first EP, “Bat Pussy”.Their sound can be defined as wild, beachy and fast, like a slap in the face. Compared to Together Pangea or even FIDLAR, they can brag about their “fast, sweaty and kick-ass” live shows. They have played at importat festivals such as SXSW, Atlantic Fest, Fuzzville or O Marisquiño, besides being finalists at 30 Concurso Internacional de Bandas Villa de Bilbao, the most important underground music contest. The have also shared stage with national and international bands, such as The Gories, Sexy Zebras, Los Bengala, Preoccupations, White Fang or Metz.“Super Awkward, Fucking Awesome” (CIUDAD OASIS, 2018) is their first album released in vinyl and cassette by CIUDAD OASIS at the same time. Recorded in Gamma Studio and mastered by Brad Boatright of Audiosege (Portland), the LP is portrayed as a mix of garage-punk-rock, sometimes melodic, almost always frantic.Ten tracks with their own personality, from the caustic surf of "Eat Snot" to "Wasted/Young", a song that has pressed the magic key of the generational hymns. If "Super Awkward, Fucking Awesome" seems like a good album, which it is, wait to see how they sound live...
KotbSamuel Otero 666 931 082 kotbofficial@gmail.com