In July 2017, Pablo Veiga and Jano Calvo, members of the jazz-rock band JAP4 as drummer and electric bass player respectively, organize an informal rehearsal with guitarist Óscar ‘Jumpin’ Insua. A good connection is born between all of them during that musical meeting, so they decide to repeat the rehearsals.This is how Soylent Green Project was born, from personal treatment and friendship between Pablo and Óscar, but also from the musical and cultural understanding of the three musicians.Four factors determine the essence of Soylent Green Project: singular style of each of the musicians, the influences that each one has in genres like rock, progressive, fusion or metal; some of Oscar Insua’s musical composition ideas and tie everything with a science fiction subject, especially with the film “Soylent Green”, based on the novel “Make room! Make room!”.After a long work of rehearsals and composition, they end with a good number of songs that outline the band’s musical philosophy which will allow them to perform a effective, energetic, fun and creative instrumental live show.In December 2018, they decided to record six of those songs live and, in March 2019 ,they release them in an EP called “Music for Brontosaurus”.On March 12, 2020, they play their first concert at the Fuco Lois Pub in Santiago DC.