
Ghørxa is intensity, speed and bile. They give us their first album, mixing rock, psychedelia, stoner, grunge and garage. The band from Ferrol dares to speak English, Galician and Spanish; fusing styles and forces.

The band was born in autumn 2022 in Ferrol (A Coruña), when Bombas and Commander (Pot Eaters) met Nico and started playing in his garage. After a while, Carlos (Omadroma, Qualia) joins the band, switching to bass guitar.

Regarding their name, they say, ‘looking for a new name for the project, a friend suggested throat, and we liked it because somehow it seemed to us that the word itself highlighted the instrumental character of the human voice’.

They present a personal and characteristic sound, which draws from bands such as The Velvet Underground, Slift, Faith No More, Melvins, My Bloody Valentine, King Gizzard, Fugazi or Sonic Youth... ‘Each of us come from different musical styles. Perhaps the most identifiable influences would be stoner, grunge and garage... Or at least that's how we could describe what's coming out. But those influences are also processed in an apprenticeship. We experiment and with the different songs something evolves, but somehow it also has a sense of its own’.

At the beginning of 2025 comes ‘Monstro’ (Ferror Records), an album full of nuances.


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2025, Ferror Records




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