WHAT IT IS? Ciborgue Moreno's aesthetic unifies "electro-brega", a Brazilian dance music movement specially well-known in the outskirts of big Northern Brazil cities, and 70s and 80s electronic music. Ciborgue Moreno is full of irreverence and light-hearted lyrics.WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT US "Mixing human and eletronic stuff, cold cybernetics and brazilian mood, goes further than Ciborgue Moreno: they take the electrobrega sound aesthetics and 80s electronic music references and they just see what happens. (...). Túlio Flavio is from Paraiba. He was born in Gurabira, lived in Joao Pessoa, after in Bahia, and now he lives in Rio de Janeiro. In Rio he met Paula, actress from Galizia (north spain), who had arrived in Brazil several years ago. And for such a cultural mix there's no way of ending up with something conventional". Natalia Escariao (Correio da Paraíba)."The first chords of 'É muito caro ser iluminado' sound nice to uninitiated ears that have never experienced Ciborgue Moreno's sound before. When the lyrics start you may realise that it is oustanding music that's gonna impact your brain forever". Raquel Gaudard "Revista F. Cultura de Moda".
Paula Sanmartín (+34) 693 510 314 - (+34) 881 247 619 ciborguemoreno@gmail.com