Os John Deeres have been making hard rock in Galician for 15 years. From A Estrada, the band is made up of Xermán Bernárdez, José Carbia, Marcos A. Muíños and Manuel Reices in the instrumentation, and it has just been completed with Vane García on vocals.After releasing “8” (2013) and “20-20” (Free Code Jazz, 2017), Os John Deeres launched, during the middle of a pandemic, “Cinzas”, an EP recorded in the rehearsal room with different collaborations and with the artwork Alberto Cardona, also from A Estrada. "Cinzas" is a collection of four recycled songs based on old ideas that entail a continuity between the band’s past and future, a full stop to keep up with new projects.
Plancto Xestión CulturalReices 650 647 079 osjohndeeres@gmail.com