A Candeloria

We are from Lugo, we believe that Lugo is our city. And it has many good things, as it's awesome food or their inhabitants hospitality. But it lacks of something, it's cultural offer is quite limited. It's true that during events like San Froilán or Arde Lucus, the culture takes the city, although the rest of the year there is no continuity except from the one that places like Clavicembalo luckily offer. If we compare this little cultural activity with many Galician cities and villages we are in a bad way.We also are Galicians, we love galician culture. And we think that it's so sad that almost twenty years from the sign of the Viana's Manifest the galician language situation on music continues not being normalized. We fight against this listening to galician music and watching groups acting all over the country. Definitely, consuming galician culture.Of course we are party-lovers, we love going out. And we beliebe that lugo is the perfect place for doing party... and not an ordinary party, the A Candeloria party. Its and ancient celebration which was called The Light Party originally. It celebrates the pass from winter to spring. We want to recover this millenary tradition and in addition put Lugo in the Galician and Spanish festival map. We want to dignify the galician culture generally, and the music in particularIf you think the same as us, you also are a candeloria. And if you are a candeloria, you have and inexcusable date in Lugo during February. Two days, music from great groups from Galiza and from Spain, free camping, tavern singing, Short and Video-clip Contest, popular games and many other activities. Do not miss it!!
Music promoters: Asociación Cultural A Candeloria Lugo
Establishment year: 2014
Periodicity: Annual
Duration: Two days
Place of celebration: Lugo
Approximate dates of celebration: November 30th, 2024