Gancho Sanches is a band created in Barcelona at the end of 2014 by three galician musicians: Brais Sánchez (Espiño, Momboi), Matías Unruh (Telephones Rouges) and Iván Olmedo (Le Cûl). In June 2016, they release their first album, “Psicofonía Bolborítica”, where they already show their particular sound: a balanced mix between the softness of an acoustic guitar, smoothly accompanied by an electric guitar and drums, leading to powerful moments in a force triangle between the three instruments. In July 2018, they record three live videos at Bungalow Studios (Santiago de Compostela) released as an EP on digital platforms. In this project, they rely on André Espiñeira (Phantom Mollo) on electric guitars, keyboards and vocals, a fruitful partnership that ended up with Espiñeira joining the band.From there, they start the preproduction process for their first long play, entitled “Zaquín”, released in February 2020. A long process with a lot of remote work that ends with several recording sessions —at Abrigueiro Estudios, at their rehearsal room and at their own homes— until they achieved the final result. “Zaquín” shows the band’s intimate pop sound, but also has some arrangements that extend their sound palette into more epic and frenetic terrains in some moments. The LP is already available on several digital platforms, as well as in a nice edition both in CD and vinyl.
Iván Olmedo 618 126 623 ganchosanches@gmail.com