The interest of the Lyceum society of Noia by Galician popular music is well known. For over twenty-five years the society comes teaching traditional music and dance workshops. The Association made real economic efforts so that members of the group, from the oldest to the youngest, sporting a wardrobe and instrumentations according to their artistic quality.There are already many people, and several monitors, who one day were part of the group. This effort of everyone of course bore fruit, and today the school has a great school which was attended by more than sixty people of all ages. This school was the birthplace where emerged back in the 1980s the group "A Subela", with a name that is closely linked to the shoemaking tradition of Noia.The group has participated in many festivals, pilgrimages, contests and performed concerts, and also edited a work record called A SUBELA. A work matured in the Sun of the continued effort, slowly but surely, as they ripen good fruits, every day.Here are, as in all artistic work of quality, lag hours and hours of trial and resignation, many times, to other leisure activities. In this work it curdles years of research work, collected from cantigas, fashions and music to make us and the coming generations and not saboreemos them disappear into the dark night of the time.A work done with as much enthusiasm as arts, with both heart and love for our land and our customs.
Sociedade Liceo de Noia (+34) 981 820 535 - (+34) 698 110 475 liceonoia@gmail.com