He began his musical career in the late sixties and early seventies. At this time, he took part in Christmas festivals held in his village, Foz, with the group Unión Pop and Teo Moreda. His first "semi-professional" performance was in Viveiro, at the Pussycat, sharing the stage with two great artists: César Bermúdez and Modesto Bermúdez-alias Rash.In 1975 he began his career as a professional with Enrique Paisal and Tito Calviño. From then on, he worked with Grupo Ceniza, Orquesta Trébol, Dúo Chingla and Salva, balancing it with "Antología" (music and poetry).
Javier Alonso Navarro 617 480 140 - 654 773 023 chinglafoz@yahoo.es