BALEAS (meaning “whales” in Galician). Created by musicians from diverse backgrounds, the band unites artists previously involved in hardcore, progressive rock, and metal. Despite their wide influences, Baleas primarily identifies with post-rock and post-metal (aka brutal pop), creating a unique sound that reflects their broad musical tastes. Baleas draws inspiration from a variety of influential bands, including Brutus, If These Trees Could Talk, Mogwai, Alcest, This Will Destroy You, God Is an Astronaut, The End of the Ocean, Tides from Nebula, Russian Circles, and Cult of Luna. Our diverse influences extend to contemporary bands like Glaston, Astodan, Nothing, Chalk Hands, DIIV, and Iress, reflecting their appreciation for the evolving alternative music landscapMaking a retrospective of the music I have made during all these years, I have realized that regardless of the style, all my songs in the background have a pop conception, that is, I have always tried that somehow, each song when you listen to it, stays in your head to a greater or lesser extent and if you reduce it to an acoustic format of a single guitar for example, the resulting skeleton or structure, still works just like the whole song, reaching your head and staying inside you. That’s why, as a definition of the style we do, I would say we are a brutal pop band.
HSAM recs.Diego Garcia 659 074 156