Zurrumalla became a band back in February 2000, when a group of friends decided to follow their desires and musical interests. From the beginning, with the effort and the time taken from our daily tasks to rehearse, we were able to get excited and enjoy every note we could steal from the history and the musical tradition of our land. We created a universe around it, in which we feel united, happy and proud. Our desire is to share this pleasure, this joy and pride so we can all together dignify tradition. This way, through the years of the life of the group, and in the many concerts around our country, we try to give the best that us, as pipers, can offer. Zurrumalla makes a party out of every performance, with a musical style based on tradition and making almost their own folk, they bring their own compositions and arrangements to make the audience happy. A surprise of vitality and new life in our music.
Xusto Molejón Valoría (+34) 638 676 259 - (+34) 886 115 343 xusto@inquedanzas.com