Band born in the summer of 2016 in Vigo, Galiza, where Héctor Agulla (drums) and Virxilio da Silva (guitar, vocals) begin to work together on the idea of a new project. In their first compositions they mix alternative rock and jazz through an acoustic prism, using voices without lyrics as another instrument. With the addition of two members who complete the band, German Felix Barth (bass, vocals) and Frenchman Wilfried Wilde (guitar), the sound hardens, the first lyrics appear and compositions take shape in the form of a song, setting the idea of what Loiros is today.The contributions of the musical imaginary of the four components result in an interesting stylistic mix in which both shoegaze, grunge, post-rock and psychedelic influences, such as modern jazz, French impressionism or African rhythm are included. Their live shows, of a certain intimate character, is intense and raw, with long songs, unexpected developments and moments for improvisation that make each concert a different experience.As a result of their first tour, in March 2018 they release “Arp”, a fully self-produced and authoritative EP with a limited edition of 150 handmade copies. In December of that same year, they received the Diputación de Pontevedra award for the Best Musical Work with the song “Rebirthmark”.Their first LP, recorded and mixed by Hevi (Malandrómeda) at Laboratorio Soyuz, will be released in October 2019.
Héctor Agulla 656 923 154