The Galician composer and singer Carmen Penim (Couto Mixto, Ourense) and the Roman composer and piano player Maurizio Polsinelli, form the duet 2naFronteira since 2008. In 2011 they publish in Italy the work "Humo en los ojos",mainly songs of Carmen and Spanish poetry. This CD already constrained also two original subjects in Galician language.Since some years they are immersed in the composition of musics for Galician poems. Among this works of composition it stands out the work with “Seis poemas gallegos” of García Lorca, or “Cantares Gallegos” de Rosalía, as well as poems of the Portuguese F.Pessoa. These songs are included in the second work of the duo, “Alma”.It reflects the great love of Carmen and Maurizio for poetry in general, and specifically for poetry in Galician language. Musically, it is an absolutely free expression, that goes from the most popular rhythms of "The lullaby of the Couto Mixto" for harmonium, up to melodies that have more relations to the cultivated music as in "Catrvium da mapoula".The work with Rosalía's poems with “Cantares Gallegos”, was distinguished with the invitation to be interpreteted by the duo in the Galician Parlament. The main character of these two musicians is the union of a high technical performance, with a passionate interpretation that touches the public.They are a very original and unic proposal in the actual Galician music.
IndependenteCarmen Pérez (+34) 699 845 312 - (+34) 986 164 615