In 2011, four lifelong friends created Grand Soul Band, in Santa Comba (A Coruña), with the intention of playing songs by classic American rock groups such as Neil Young, Tom Petty and The Jayhawks."The Road" (2015) is the title of his debut album, self-published and recorded in September 2014 at Abrigueiro Studios (Lugo), it is produced and mastered by Arturo Vaquero.They record their second album in April 2016, "Lights and Shadows" (2016). Self-edited again, they go down to Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz) to record it with the well-known Spanish producer Paco Loco; mastering is done by Mario G. Alberni at Kadifornia Mastering.In April 2018, they return to Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz) to record their third album, "From Here to Eternity" (2018), with Paco Loco in charge.
Miguel (+34) 646 672 244