La Casa de los ingleses combines in their work the melodies of pop, the delicacy of indie and the power of rock.Formed in 2009, this band from Pontevedra has not stopped evolving since then. After years of learning together and defining their sound, in 2015 they released their first album, "Punto de partida"; a self-released EP with which they made themselves known, which already shows the band's taste for effective melodies and catchy mid-tempos, and which quickly sold out its first edition. In June 2018 they released their first LP, "La tierra es plana", also self-released and with which they took a step further. A more serious project from the beginning when it comes to the compositions, more mature, and with a more defined aesthetic idea that they present in different festivals such as Surfing The Lérez, Festival do Leite or at Naútico de San Vicente do Mar (O Grove).In June 2023 they released "Veinte minutos antes del fin del mundo", an EP where we can find atmospheres full of textures and unique sensations, powerful electrifying guitars and contagious melodies, with lyrics that take us from love and reconciliation to social criticism and existential reflection. For this third reference they have counted on the experience and creativity of their usual producer, Juan Hernández (ronettstudio), and that of Carlos Hernández Nombela, who produced three songs each for a sound result full of nuances.
Anxo (+34) 656 955 485 - (+34) 676 257 719 contratacion@lacasadelosingleses.com