Musician born in A Coruña who began his career very early, composing his first songs in bands of different styles such as pop, rock or reggae. His curiosity for the diversity of styles and, above all, for roots music, brought him closer to flamenco guitar and jazz manouche, styles for which he felt a great predilection and which, together with rumba, ended up being his greatest influences when it came to his compositions.Once he had configured his own musical concept, he created Robert y Los Muchachicha, a sextet for the bigger stages and a parallel trio for the smaller ones, a format he finally stayed with and with which he released "Es lo que siento, soy lo que soy" (2012) under the name of Robert Pier Trío; an LP recorded live that was well received by his followers.After the experience acquired on stage during this period is when he began to think about the songs he had been composing. Finally, after reaching the means he demanded of himself to successfully tackle the task, Robert Pier recorded his album "Podemos ser radiantes" (2015) at Bonham Studios.After releasing in 2019 "Diversos funcionales, el disco más inclusivo de la historia" together with the Banda Municipal de A Coruña, he is currently in the process of releasing his third album, "Todo sanará" (2023), whose recording had the honour of having the valuable production of the pianist and producer Sergio Delgado.
MusicarteJosé Fco. Saavedra López-Sancho 629 357 984 musicarte.rs@gmail.com