The symbolic name of the Dutch ship where the Rianxo-born poet Manuel Antonio was at sea in his trips all over America gives its name to this trio consisting of Elena Tarrats (voice), Federico Mosquera (piano) and Mario G. Cortizo (percussion). The trio has been operating since 2014 and has performed in Holland and Barcelona. In Galicia, its debut took place at Casa das Crechas (Santiago de Compostela) during the Festival Feito a Man 2015, followed by several concerts around the country.“Cantos de poeta” (Gelria, 2016) is the band’s first work, which presents itself in a book-cd format with quotes written by Manuel Rivas, illustrations and pictures. The album is a journey through the Galician poetry from Curros Enríquez to Chus Pato through14 songs inspired by several other poetry collections.
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